Raid Pyrenean Preperation

The Raid Pyrenean runs across the Pyrenees from Hendaye on the Atlantic coast to Cerbère on the Mediterranean coast. The 100 hour "randonee" route is 710km and 11,000m climbing. This is organised by a French cycling club who issue carnets( a leaflet) which will be stamped along the route. There are several tour companies running supported versions which handle entry, accommodation and ferrying equipment. Our Club VC Melyd chose marmote tours, as we had they have a great reputation and were reasonably priced. It was all organised by Our club Leader Alan Overson.......Cheers Al.
After Finally persuading my fiancee, That i would not be out on my bike training.......I signed up! this was probably before Christmas 2009, from this time on the training started.

I had not been the most consistent club cyclist due to having a young son Iestyn and that my partner was a keen runner. I had now committed to the raid, I struck a deal with my partner Sian and Iestyn (my son). I would have free time on the Sunday and family time on the Saturday.
I went out on most of the club rides on Sunday or if the weather was bad....snow and lots of it that winter....I would go to the gym or as a last resort the dreaded turbo.

Training over the winter went well and I was out training as much as possible.....don't get me wrong , I didn't go training all the time, only when family constraints allowed.(not like some of my friends...)

I entered the Cheshire cat spring sportive in march and had a goal to work towards. A few members of VC Melyd had entered who would also be doing the raid as well as me and Dave.
This would allow us to gauge our training efforts, although it was still early in the season long way to go yet....excuse the pun. Great day Me Arron and Dave did it in an OK sub 5hrs for the century......would have gone better if someone had changed the 'crank set' on their bike and actually test rode it before a 100 miler? know who you are.

For the most part of the summer I mainly went like this;

Sunday club ride 4hrs+ (60~80 miles)
Once a month try and do a century 7~8 hrs(including stops)
Commute most days 40 min. (to and from work)
Added loop to commute on the return trip 2~3hrs (30~50 miles) once a week

For logging the training I used a Sunnto T4c My training went like this;-

June   40 hrs.  (570 mile)
July 35 hrs.  (520 mile)
August  36 hrs.  (167 mile.....used garmin for distance)
September  40 hrs.  (Raid, 450 mile a 100 miler in Snowdonia to settle the nerves)

The list is not totally exhaustive, as I used my garmin sometimes and other times I didn't record my training. But I would say I probably averaged around the 10~15 hrs. per week.

.....I didn't have any events over the summer but I did book 2 days off work and did 110 miles first day (to Snowdonia, Anglsey and then back). The second day 105 miles (Ruthin, up the shelf, horseshoe pass, corwen, betws y coed, conwy, home). I thought I would be able to see how I felt with two days back to back cycling. I felt good so that gave me some mental strength. I felt prepared just keep up the training...........

The raid was getting closer, I got all the stuff I needed ordered. Energy drink, inner tubes chamois cream...........Bike Bag......